
(右)Akanksha Himatsingka, Himatsingka Seide窗帘和室内装潢部门的业务主管。图片提供:Shamanth Patil J;(左)孟买刺绣师Maximiliano Modesti。图片由Ashish Sahi提供

我们最新一期的工艺由Azzedine Alaïa和Hermès的刺绣师马克西米利亚诺·莫德斯蒂(Maximiliano Modesti)指导,面料由印度最好的出口商之一的时尚业务主管阿坎克沙·希玛辛卡(Akanksha Himatsingka)制作,是工艺行家的收藏品。

图片由Ashish Sahi提供


它始于大约25年前,当时来自巴黎的时尚专业学生马克西米利亚诺·莫德斯蒂(Maximiliano Modesti)来到印度,研究一个刚刚自由化的经济体的奢侈品市场。然而,他发现了一些更古老的东西,一些充满古老传统的东西。从斋浦尔到乌代普尔,到孟买,到德里,到班加罗尔,这位年轻的时装设计师发现了工艺。很多很多。Beaucoup de avoirfaire !就是这样。

如今,莫德斯蒂执掌Les Ateliers 2M,雇佣来自全国各地的卡里格人。他们缝纫、印刷、绘画和染色,是世界标志性奢侈品牌的战略贡献者,是古印度工艺的守门人和冠军,努力让它们保持活力。今年3月,广告编辑格雷格·福斯特(Greg Foster)第一次就工艺问题找到他时,莫德斯蒂笑着对他说,“我们已经推迟了三个月,不是吗?”

图片由Ashish Sahi提供


但对于这位为自己的疯狂做担保的刺绣师(别忘了,他就是那个拒绝了路易威登(Louis Vuitton)的工作,来到印度工作的人!)来说,这并没有什么威慑作用。在接下来的几个月里,封面的想法在他的脑海中不断酝酿,直到他把注意力集中在四种技术上:木版印刷加上刺绣、手绘和扎染。他说:“我们的梦想是制作20种技术,每一种印度工艺都有同等的代表权。”但最后期限迫在眉睫,莫德斯蒂把他能想到的每一个细节都塞进了三个封面。例如,扎染封面是蓝色的,这是对靛蓝染色艺术的一种有意识的参考。“有些杂志在讨论手艺。但是别再说了!有多少最终让你真正感受到工艺?他问道。“我想让世界各地的人都能感受到真正的印度纺织品。”他做到了。 For Modesti, India has opened up a world of possibilities. And to the hundreds and hundreds of craftsmen he employs, he has opened up the world. AKANKSHA HIMATSINGKA Even at a young 36, Akanksha Himatsingka has her perfectly manicured hands firmly on the reins. She appears to be one of those people who are absolutely and completely certain about the world, and their place in it. As the business head of the Drapery and Upholstery division at the Himatsingka Group—the home-textile major with a global footprint—she has brought to the table a nose for branding, a talent for building connections, and a knack for storytelling. All of these qualities were in evidence as she generously worked with AD to produce the covers for the craftsmanship issue. From helping with the selection of fabric for Maximiliano Modesti's cover designs (seen in the following pages), to being deeply involved in the research and development of the Himatsingka-designed and -produced covers, Akanksha was everywhere, and doing everything. The Himatsingka Group was founded in 1985, and even today, focuses on design and product development. They are known as one of the best mills in the world, creating fabrics for the most prestigious textile houses, including Rubelli, Dedar, Osborne & Little, and Pierre Frey. Its team today consists of over 5,000 people, and continues to expand its reach and build capacities in the home textile space. On the manufacturing front, the Group has among the largest capacities in the world for manufacturing bed linen, upholstery fabrics, drapery fabrics, high-quality yarn and terry towels. Spread across Asia, Europe and North America, its retail and wholesale distribution divisions carry some of the most prestigious brands in the home textile space, and cater to private label programmes of major retailers across these geographies.