

那是1938年。哈雷·J·厄尔是通用汽车公司的设计主管,他当时正在为别克汽车公司做一个项目,这个项目将改变汽车设计的运作方式。他在修别克Y-Job。“Y-Job”拥有电动大灯、电动车窗和一种被认为具有开创性的设计,几十年来一直为别克生产线上生产的汽车提供灵感。y型工作对汽车行业如此重要是有原因的。这是世界上第一辆概念车,开创了一种趋势,并产生了世界上最引人注目的汽车设计。那么什么是概念车呢?简单地说,它们是汽车制造商为表明他们处于设计和技术的前沿而做出的声明。这些概念通常并不用于生产,但它们暗示了制造商正在前进的方向。雪佛兰(Chevrolet)的“Corvette Mako Shark II”(1965年)展示了1968年的“Corvette”的样子; and the Porsche ‘989' (1988) was a preview of the ‘Panamera' (2009). The Mercedes-Benz ‘F700' (2008) was the first to introduce Magic Body Control, available in the 2015 ‘S-Class'. On the other hand, you have the Rolls-Royce ‘102EX' (2011), which was the company saying that it could make an electric car if it wanted. Unfortunately, charging times and ranges (on single charges) aren't where the company wants it to be. So we're still waiting on the ‘102EX' features to enter Rolls-Royce's production cars. Here are some of the latest concepts—ones that warrant special mention.