
戴上厨师的帽子,忙着做这些凝乳食谱吧。图片来源:Anshu/ Unsplash


Labneh与草药由Surabhi Sehgal,食品造型师和配方开发者


使用方法:1。拿一个大滤网,放在碗上。将酸奶加入过滤器,在冰箱中放置5-6小时或过夜,以分离所有多余的水分。2.一旦你有了浓稠的奶油酸奶,用刮刀轻轻搅拌直到光滑。3.加入盐、大蒜和切碎的薄荷。盛到盘子里。4.在上面撒上马齿苋或新鲜薄荷、扎塔尔、漆树、南瓜子、巴莓和石榴/或任何你喜欢的配料。 5. Drizzle some herb oil or olive oil on top and enjoy.


主厨Ranveer Brar的Banarasi Dum Aloo




肉汁:2汤匙酥油2-3个绿豆蔻1个黑豆蔻2个绿辣椒,切丝1片月桂叶1杯豆腐1汤匙香菜粉1 / 2茶匙姜黄粉1 / 4茶匙红辣椒粉1 / 4茶匙加兰马沙拉1 / 4茶匙阿萨菲提达1茶匙孜然籽1杯水适量盐1 / 2汤匙腰果酱


使用方法:1。烧热油,把去皮的土豆炸成浅棕色。取出并放在一边。2.现在加入辅料,也煎至浅棕色。取出并放在一边。3.在搅拌碗中,加入腰果、葡萄干、青酸辣酱、青辣椒、土豆末和盐。把所有东西混合好。4. Stuff the hollowed fried potato with the mixture and shallow fry the stuffed potato till light brown in colour. 5. Heat ghee in a kadai, add green cardamom, black cardamom, green chilli, bay leaf and cumin seeds. Let it splutter. Add asafoetida and saute well. 6. In a bowl, add curd, coriander powder, turmeric powder, red chilli powder, garam masala powder and mix well. Pour this mixture into the kadai. 7. Simmer on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Keep stirring in between. 8. Add water, salt, cashewnut paste and cook for another 5-7 minutes. 9. Transfer the stuffed potato into the gravy and garnish with fried cashew nuts and coriander sprig. Serve hot with roti.

Banarasi Dum Aloo。图片来源:Ravsky/Getty Images。表征图像

Dahi Ke烤肉串,主厨Ishijyot Surri, SJI Hospitality and Foods Private Limited行政总厨


使用方法:1。在一个碗里,把除了酥油以外的所有材料混合在一起。2.用这种混合物做一些小的tikkis。3.热锅,放一些酥油。4.现在在平底锅上用酥油煎一下tikkis。5.将tikkis两面煎至金黄色。 Serve hot with green chutney and salad.

图片来源:Leisa-Tyler/ Getty Images。表征图像

由主厨Sarfaraz Ahmed制作的凝米粥,主厨,Trèsind孟买




使用方法:1。在煎锅中倒入450毫升油,加热。炸250克咖喱叶,加入100毫升冷油,制成咖喱叶油。过滤后放在一边。2.在同样的油中,将脱水的大米炸开备用。3.在sauté平底锅中倒入15毫升油,加热后加入2克芥末籽。加入一小撮asafoetida,切碎的番茄和sauté。4. Add turmeric, salt and red chilli powder. When the tomatoes are half way cooked, add jaggery and reduce. 5. Cool down the chutney and blend to a fine puree. 6. Take buttermilk in a bowl and add yoghurt, whisk well to make sure there are no lumps. 7. Prepare tempering by heating 15 ml oil in pan and add 8 gm mustard seeds, 3 gm asafoetida, 20 gm curry leaves, whole red chilli and 20 gm ginger. 8. Add the tempering to the yoghurt mix and keep in refrigerator for at least 3 hours. 9. Strain the mix and add half tempering back to the mix discarding the rest. 10. Now add 20 gm of remaining ginger, green chilli paste, finely chopped fresh red chilli and salt. 11. Fry the curd chilli and appalam papad. 12. Dish out the curd mix into a bowl, top it with matta rice, buckwheat and curry leaf oil. 13. Serve with fried curd chilli, appalam papad and tomato chutney.

凝乳米饭。图片来源:Maria Lonovaunsplash/ Unsplash

烘焙Nolen Gur Mishti Doi由主厨Vikram Arora,主厨和联合创始人,Tamak


使用方法:1。在一个碗里,用打蛋器把所有的材料混合。2.将等量的倒入四个防烤箱的碗/小模子中。3.烤箱预热到180摄氏度。拿一个烤盘,把这些小模子碗放在有1/2英寸水位的托盘里,做一个水浴。5.将托盘和碗放入预热好的烤箱,180摄氏度烤30分钟。6. Take out and let it cool completely to room temperature and then refrigerate for 2-3 hours. 7. Serve chilled garnished with sesame chikki.

Mishti Doi。图片来源:Manu Bahugun/ Getty Images
