
在厨房里忙着这些想法吧。图片来源:Pixabay/ Pexels


Qualia Hospitality LLP创始人兼执行合伙人Rahul Akerkar的《李子酱》

材料:黑梅或红梅1公斤,去核,大致切碎1杯砂糖2汤匙橙汁1棒肉桂1颗八角3个黑胡椒1 / 4茶匙盐

产品说明:1。在一个大炖锅中混合所有材料。用中火煮,不时搅拌,直到李子开始流出汁液。继续大约5分钟。2.将火调到中高,不时搅拌,直到变稠(或直到糖果温度计显示100℃),大约20到25分钟。3.关火,取出肉桂,八角和胡椒。4.使用马铃薯捣碎机,将混合物捣碎成所需的稠度。 Let it cool down completely, for about 1 hour. 5. Divide the jam between two 200ml jars. 6. Use immediately, or cover and refrigerate for up to 3 weeks.

李子果酱。图片来源:Valeria/ Pexels。照片具有代表性


成份:1公斤李子石头和香蕉青葱切成半3或1中红色洋葱切碎的姜1英寸3 1⁄2汤匙切碎的香菜种子2 rbsp茴香种子1茶匙黑胡椒10丁香12或品尝红辣椒干nigella种子2每1汤匙肉桂棒和八角茴香1 1⁄2杯糖我用棕色糖2茶匙或调味盐1汤匙中性油•3⁄4杯麦芽醋、红酒醋、白醋

产品说明:1。把所有的李子都削成石头放在一边。2.除了黑草籽、八角和肉桂棒外,把所有香料都烤几分钟至发香。当它们稍微冷却时,制成粗糙的粉末。3.在厚底平底锅中加热油,加入肉桂条、八角茴香和黑葵籽,让它溅几秒钟。加入洋葱炒5分钟。4.倒入对半切开的李子和除醋外的所有配料。 Stir it well and cook for an hour. 5. Occasionally stir it so the chutney doesn't stick to the bottom. Add in the vinegar and continue to cook for 20 minutes or till you get the desired consistency. The chutney should be thick but spreadable. 6. Spoon it in sterilised glass jars and store it in the fridge. Consume within six months.

李子汁,Shunmukha Priya S博士,Truweight的科学研究官



李子汁。图片来源:Ethan Rheams/ Unsplash。照片具有代表性

李子杏仁蛋糕,作者兼烹饪顾问Saee Koranne-Khandekar


产品说明:1。将李子切成大块,放入搅拌碗中。加入1/2茶匙糖和半个酸橙汁。混合后放在一边,让李子变软。2.在一个8英寸的圆形烤盘上抹油,铺上羊皮纸或黄油纸(用你买的黄油包装纸)。如果你没有这些,在平底锅上抹上油,撒上面粉,防止粘锅。3.烤箱预热至150°C。4. In a large mixing bowl, place the plain flour, ground almonds, baking powder and lime zest, and whisk to combine. Keep aside. 5. In a blender jar, place the eggs, sour cream or dahi, butter, powdered sugar, vanilla paste, and one tbsp of the flour mix made above. Blend until creamy. The addition of the flour mix will prevent the mixture from curdling. 6. Add the softened plums to the flour mix and toss lightly to coat. Reserve a few pieces for topping the cake with. 7. Pour the egg mixture from the blender jar into the flour and plum mix and combine using a spatula and a light hand. 8. Pour the batter into the prepared cake tin. Top with the reserved plums and flaked almonds. 9. Bake in the centre of the oven at 150°C for 35-40 minutes or until the top is a rich gold and a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean. 10. Cool in the pan for 10-15 mins; then remove from the pan. Dust with icing sugar or powdered sugar. 11. Serve warm or cool, with softy whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, or on its own. 12. Store leftovers in the refrigerator.

