
这些住宅由Ashiesh Shah, Annkur Khosla和Case Design设计,高质量的美学和风格
和我们一起探索这些住宅。图片来源:Tom Parker,由Case Design提供

建筑师Ashiesh Shah的孟买毛绒住宅

“我不知道从哪里开始。然后我想把它变成一个大空间,然后从那里开始,”Ashiesh Shah说关于他的家.他开始把窗户加长,把它变成了“一个完全不同的空间”,沙阿说,“它突然开始开放了。我注意到光线是如何与它接触的,不是直接接触,而是透过美丽的树冠。”刚性的结构让位于一个流动的空间,上层有一个开放式厨房和一间主卧室。“我设计的每个空间都需要灵魂。我需要敞开心扉。我需要能量流动,给它正确的氛围,”他解释道。不过,这种流动性是经过深思熟虑的。“我不希望它像一个独立广场。我想要一个可以坐下来聊天的地方。” Like in the twin niches next to the windows of the living room and the kitchen? “They’re really interactive, because you’re outside but inside,” Shah says. The all-white palette with delicate wooden accents and neutral flooring “picks out the shades of green outside”, says Shah. It proved the ideal backdrop for Shah’s storied collections of both art and furniture. “In the bedroom, there’s also this idea of repetition, almost like counting sheep,” explains Shah. As for the front door, that almost seems there-not-there, Shah says, “I like uniformity in certain aspects. I think doors in a building should look the same. I was overwhelmed by the idea of designing my own door, so instead of arguing with my neighbours, I just used the tiles from the corridor on my door. I was happy to disappear,” he says.

装饰艺术风格的孟买住宅俯瞰城市最具标志性的建筑,由Annkur Khosla设计

阳光公寓俯瞰宏伟的椭圆形独立广场,所有文明都在它的场地上打板球。Mantralaya在它的左边,对面是新哥特式的高等法院大楼,另一边是维多利亚哥特式的Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya博物馆。从这套位于五层的公寓望去,可以跨越时间和建筑风格,这本身就是一种奢侈。阳光大厦建于20世纪20年代,代表了孟买的装饰艺术浪潮,当时进步的商人和企业家开始探索这种华丽的建筑风格,并将其带回了他们的家乡。安库尔·科斯拉(Annkur Khosla)对装饰派的深入研究把握了完美的时机。当她开始创作《阳光》时,孟买对装饰艺术的兴趣明显回升,这在一定程度上要归功于2016年成立的非营利组织“孟买装饰艺术”(art deco Mumbai)。“在加固结构时,我们必须非常小心。它必须循序渐进,当然不能像入侵一样。”然而,这并不是一个纯粹的修复项目。这是某人的家,丈夫和妻子的家,它必须是功能性的,实用的,漂亮的,简单的家。 “I feel passionately about having the homeowners appreciate the movement as well; that you’re sitting in a building that belongs to an era, but it’s also extremely liveable and relevant to the present moment and their lives.”

这座孟买南部的公寓,由Case Design设计,它的宁静令人印象深刻

这套两居室公寓位于孟买南部的马拉巴尔山(Malabar Hill),这座山呈陡坡向上延伸,仿佛地形与它的地位一致。然而,这个空间的高度是微妙的,而是用微妙的颜色、纹理和设计清晰度来表达。案例设计努力做到与情境相关。“这份简报帮了大忙。这个空间是为了供客户的商务客人使用,偶尔也作为他家人的周末别墅。因此,实用性和简单性是我们必须关注的两个方面,这意味着我们使用的所有大理石都来自乌代普尔,而不是意大利!同样,所有的门框都是用回收的缅甸柚木制成的,这些柚木是从孟买的老房子里回收的。我们还定制了黄铜门把手、电灯开关和淋浴框。黄铜和钢不同,它不会生锈;它优雅地氧化,并获得美丽的光泽。 The same goes for teak. It has high silica content, which prevents it from warping, especially in a place so close to the sea,” says Samuel Barclay—who heads Case Design. The apartment has been done up with a play of textures that is hard to miss. “I worked with some fabulous masons and carpenters from Jaipur,” says Barclay, who thrives on collaboration.