Ganesh Chaturthi: 6个令人垂涎三滴的节日食谱

从扭曲的莫达克到传统菜肴,如沙布达那和chana,厨师们在Ganesh Chaturthi节分发他们的秘密食谱
如果没有盛大的盛宴,甘帕蒂的庆祝活动是不完整的。图片来源:(左)Prachi Palwe/Unsplash(右)Josh Cris Gayle/Unsplash

没有盛宴的节日算什么?当我们坚决呆在室内时,没有限制沉迷于满足灵魂的食物。我们请厨师们分享了一些他们最喜欢的与Ganesh Chaturthi有关的食谱,这样你就可以在厨房里重新制作它们了。从三种modaks到kheer,黑色chana和sabudana khichdi,我们都有。

盘子和品脱的创始人兼厨师Monaz Irani的干果和Gulkand巧克力Modak



  1. 把切好的枣做成purée。2.在锅中加热酥油,加入枣膏,让它煮大约一分钟。3.加入切碎的干果和果脯,进一步煮至分离。4.放在一边,保持凉爽。5.在双层蒸锅上融化白巧克力。6. Flood the moulds with the melted chocolate, let it set a little (only to form a coating on the moulds) and empty out the chocolate by upturning the moulds. 7. Fill the cavity with the dry fruit gulkand mixture. 8. Flood the moulds with melted white chocolate again and let it set. 9. De-mould and your modaks are ready.



Eat.Fit.Repeat创始人Ruchi Sharma的西米粉条

材料:西米70克粉丝30克酥油1茶匙牛奶500毫升糖50克小豆蔻粉1 / 2茶匙(可选)


  1. 取一锅酥油,将粉丝烤至金黄色。2.在另一个锅里,首先,冲洗干净,然后在水里煮,直到它们变成半透明和柔软。这需要5-6分钟。3.在锅里用中低火煮牛奶。4.加入粉丝,继续搅拌。煮熟后,加入西米到牛奶中继续搅拌。5. When the milk starts to thicken and turns creamy, add sugar to it and keep stirring. 6. You can add cardamom powder at this point. 7. Garnish with pistachio and saffron strands.



孟买文艺复兴酒店执行副主厨Shibendu Ray的Ukadiche Modak



外包装:1⅛茶匙水、1 / 4茶匙盐、1 / 4茶匙酥油、1杯米粉


  1. 首先做甜馅。在平底锅中加入磨碎的椰子,开中火,拌入砂糖。2.很快,锯齿状的岩石就会开始融化。3.继续搅拌和烹饪几分钟。4.加入罂粟籽,小豆蔻粉,腰果和葡萄干。5.搅拌均匀,一直煮到所有水分蒸发。 The mixture should be dry. Keep it aside and let it cool. 6. Now make the dough for the outer layer. Take water in a saucepan, and add a pinch of salt. Turn the heat on medium-low flame. Let it come to a boil. 7. As it starts boiling, add ghee and mix well. Immediately add rice flour. 8. Quickly stir it using a spatula or wooden spoon. Make sure there are no lumps. 9. Cover with a lid and let it cook for 2-3 mins. 10. Remove it on to a plate. Let it cool. 11. Start kneading the dough. 12. Make smooth and lump-free dough. Roll it in small balls. 13. Grease your hand with oil or ghee or just wet with water. 14. Take one ball on your palm. Now using your other hand, slightly press it to make a small disc. 15. Now using two hands (thumbs and fingers), gently press it and keep shaping it. Make about 3-4 inch diameter circle. 16. In the centre, add a tsp of stuffing. 17. Using your thumb and first finger, start pinching the little edges and make the pleats and carefully pinch it together and seal it. 18. To steam the modaks, prepare the steamer and let the water come to a boil, meanwhile, brush all the modaks using water. 19. Steam them for 13-15 minutes on medium heat and serve.

Ukadiche Modak

Kalya Channachi Ussal厨师Rahul Akerkar, Qualia创始人


磨碎的马沙拉:所需油1个洋葱切成薄片1茶匙整个芫荽(香菜)1茶匙整个桑叶(茴香籽)2个长(丁香)1根达尔奇尼(肉桂)6-8个黑胡椒半茶匙整个孜然6个红辣椒1 / 4杯干椰子磨碎1汤匙切碎的姜片4个蒜荚切碎

咖喱:按需加油1 / 4茶匙孜然籽1 / 4茶匙哈尔迪粉(姜黄)1 / 2茶匙克什米尔红辣椒粉1个番茄,切碎1 / 4杯番茄酱1茶匙马尔瓦尼马沙拉1汤匙切碎的青丹尼(香菜)适量盐


  1. 清洗浸泡过的卡拉查纳。加入一杯淡水,压煮至变软。2.在平底锅里加热油。加入洋葱片、姜片和蒜片。3.Sauté直到洋葱是透明的。4.加入干椰子和除了辣椒以外的所有调料。5. Sauté till the coconut is almost crisp and golden, then add the chillies. 6. Sauté for a minute more. Let the mixture cool down completely. 7. Grind to a fine paste, adding around 3-4 tbsp water. 8. Heat remaining oil. Add cumin seeds, let them crackle. 9. Add hing and add the chopped tomatoes. Cook till mushy, then add the tomato puree and fry a little. 10. Tip in haldi, red chilli powder, and Malvani masala. 11. Add the ground masala and mix everything, cooking till oil leaves the sides. 12. Add ½ cup water. Let everything boil properly. 13. Now tip in chopped green dhania. Add cooked chana to the boiling paste along with a cup of the boiling water. 14. Add salt to taste. Let the mixture cook for 10 minutes. 15. Turn off the heat and put the lid on. Let it cook on steam for 5 more minutes.



Kalya Channachi Ussal

孟买糖果店的Puran Poli Modak



  1. 孟加拉木豆洗净。把它放在水里煮软。把水倒在上面。2.把粗糖加入煮好的木豆中。再次加热,不断翻动,直到它形成一个肿块。3.让它冷却一会儿,把它们磨成光滑的糊状,不要加水。4.加入豆蔻粉和胡椒粉。 Puran is ready. 5. Make small balls of this and keep it aside in the fridge. 6. Powder the saffron using a motor and pestle. Add this to the malai peda base and mix well. 7. Now put some of the saffron peda into the modak mould. Create a cavity in the bottom of the mould and fill it with the puran. 8. Close the cavity with some more peda mix. And then de-mould. 9. Make more and serve it at room temperature.

Bombay Sweet Shop还出售一种Ganpati特制盒子,里面装着不同品种的modaks,你可以在他们的网站上订购。

Puran Poli Modak

Sabudana Khichdi烩饭由主厨Guntas,蓝带培训的糕点厨师和食谱馆长



  1. sabudana冲洗。然后在玻璃碗中浸泡一夜或至少5小时。2.在平底锅里,加热橄榄油和黄油。3.加入切碎的大蒜和洋葱,晾3-4分钟。4.加入蘑菇片,中火煮4-5分钟。5.加入浸泡好的沙布达那,sauté中火加热6-8分钟。 6. At this stage add the vegetable stock. Keep stirring constantly until fully absorbed. 7. Tip in salt, pepper and dried oregano to taste. 8. Add 3-4 tbsp vegetable stock to it and stir until the broth is absorbed. 9. Serve garnished with fresh coriander and shaved parmesan cheese.

Sabudana Khichdi烩饭。图片来源:Shreyak Singh/Unsplash
